(1933) (11/02)
- PART 1 -
Medicinal plants, traditional food, fiber, building and dye plants.
452K, 130 pages, bookmarked Acrobat .pdf File
- PART 2 - Images (Black and white .jpgs)
- Plate 1. fig. 1. Potawatomi
region in Wisconsin. fig. 2. Red Maple.
- Plate 2. fig. 1. Henry Ritchie.
fig. 2. Joe Ellick.
- Plate 3. fig. 1. Mrs. Spoon.
fig. 2. Mountain Maple.
- Plate 4. fig. 1. Poison
Ivy. fig. 2. Indian Turnip.
- Plate 5. fig. 1. Mountain
Holly. fig. 2. Sweet Flag.
- Plate 6. fig. 1. Bristly
Sarsaparilla. fig. 2. Wild Sarsaparilla.
- Plate 7. fig. 1. Yellow
Birch. fig. 2. Paper Birch.
- Plate 8. fig. 1. Speckled
Alder. fig. 2. Beaked Hazelnut.
- Plate 9. fig. 1. Bush Honeysuckle.
fig. 2. American Fly Honeysuckle.
- Plate 10. fig. 1. Lamb's
Quarters. fig. 2. Pearly Everlasting.
- Plate 11. fig. 1. Wormwood
Sage. fig. 2. Leather-leaf.
- Plate 12. fig. 1. Bull
Thistle. fig. 2. Horseweed.
- Plate 13. fig. 1. Jerusalem
Artichoke. fig. 2. Black-eyed Susan.
- Plate 14. fig. 1. Fragrant
Goldenrod. fig. 2. Canada Goldenrod.
- Plate 15. fig. 1. Field
Sow Thistle. fig. 2. Red Osier Dogwood.
- Plate 16. fig. 1. Great
Bullrush. fig. 2. Field Horsetail.
- Plate 17. fig. 1. Common
Burdock. fig. 2. Wintergreen.
- Plate 18. fig. 1. Bunchberry.
fig. 2. Trailing Arbutus.
- Plate 19. fig. 1. Velvet-leaf
Blueberry. fig. 2. Red Oak.
- Plate 20. fig. 1. Yellowish
Gentian. fig. 2. Marsh St. John's Wort.
- Plate 21. fig. 1. Common
Hemp Nettle. fig. 2. Lichen on Spruce.
- Plate 22. fig. 1. Wild
Mint. fig. 2. Tree Club Moss.
- Plate 23. fig. 1. Common
Club Moss. fig. 2. Yellow Pond Lily.
- Plate 24. fig. 1. Sweet
Gale. fig. 2. Intermediate Bog Orchid.
- Plate 25. fig. 1. Evening
Primrose. fig. 2. Common Wood Sorrel.
- Plate 26. fig. 1. Fireweed.fig.
2. Norway Pine.
- Plate 27. fig. 1. Balsam
Fir. fig. 2. Jack Pine.
- Plate 28. fig. 1. Common
Juniper. fig. 2. Common Plantain.
- Plate 29. fig. 1. Great
Water Dock. fig. 2. Lady Fern.
- Plate 30. fig. 1. Maidenhair
Fern. fig. 2. Alder-leaved Buckthorn.
- Plate 31. fig. 1. Goldthread.
fig. 2. Black Chokecherry.
- Plate 32. fig. 1. European
Wood Strawberry. fig. 2. Bird Cherry.
- Plate 33. fig. 1. Bicknell's
Thorn. fig. 2. Sand Cherry.
- Plate 34. fig. 1. Mountain
Ash. fig. 2. Bristly Crowfoot.
- Plate 35. fig. 1. Willow-leaved
Meadow-sweet. fig. 2. Balsam Poplar.
- Plate 36. fig. 1. Quaking
Aspen. fig. 2. Sphagnum Moss.
- Plate 37. fig. 1. Smoother
Sweet Cicely. fig. 2. Lyall's Nettle.
- Plate 38. fig. 1. White
Elm. fig. 2. Downy Yellow Violet.
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