ETHNOBOTANY of the FOREST POTAWATOMI by Huron H. Smith (1933) (11/02)
PART 1 - Medicinal plants, traditional food, fiber, building and dye plants. 452K, 130 pages, bookmarked Acrobat .pdf File
PART 2 - Images (Black and white .jpgs)
Plate 1. fig. 1. Potawatomi region in Wisconsin. fig. 2. Red Maple.
Plate 2. fig. 1. Henry Ritchie. fig. 2. Joe Ellick.
Plate 3. fig. 1. Mrs. Spoon. fig. 2. Mountain Maple.
Plate 4. fig. 1. Poison Ivy. fig. 2. Indian Turnip.
Plate 5. fig. 1. Mountain Holly. fig. 2. Sweet Flag.
Plate 6. fig. 1. Bristly Sarsaparilla. fig. 2. Wild Sarsaparilla.
Plate 7. fig. 1. Yellow Birch. fig. 2. Paper Birch.
Plate 8. fig. 1. Speckled Alder. fig. 2. Beaked Hazelnut.
Plate 9. fig. 1. Bush Honeysuckle. fig. 2. American Fly Honeysuckle.
Plate 10. fig. 1. Lamb's Quarters. fig. 2. Pearly Everlasting.
Plate 11. fig. 1. Wormwood Sage. fig. 2. Leather-leaf.
Plate 12. fig. 1. Bull Thistle. fig. 2. Horseweed.
Plate 13. fig. 1. Jerusalem Artichoke. fig. 2. Black-eyed Susan.
Plate 14. fig. 1. Fragrant Goldenrod. fig. 2. Canada Goldenrod.
Plate 15. fig. 1. Field Sow Thistle. fig. 2. Red Osier Dogwood.
Plate 16. fig. 1. Great Bullrush. fig. 2. Field Horsetail.
Plate 17. fig. 1. Common Burdock. fig. 2. Wintergreen.
Plate 18. fig. 1. Bunchberry. fig. 2. Trailing Arbutus.
Plate 19. fig. 1. Velvet-leaf Blueberry. fig. 2. Red Oak.
Plate 20. fig. 1. Yellowish Gentian. fig. 2. Marsh St. John's Wort.
Plate 21. fig. 1. Common Hemp Nettle. fig. 2. Lichen on Spruce.
Plate 22. fig. 1. Wild Mint. fig. 2. Tree Club Moss.
Plate 23. fig. 1. Common Club Moss. fig. 2. Yellow Pond Lily.
Plate 24. fig. 1. Sweet Gale. fig. 2. Intermediate Bog Orchid.
Plate 25. fig. 1. Evening Primrose. fig. 2. Common Wood Sorrel.
Plate 26. fig. 1. Fireweed.fig. 2. Norway Pine.
Plate 27. fig. 1. Balsam Fir. fig. 2. Jack Pine.
Plate 28. fig. 1. Common Juniper. fig. 2. Common Plantain.
Plate 29. fig. 1. Great Water Dock. fig. 2. Lady Fern.
Plate 30. fig. 1. Maidenhair Fern. fig. 2. Alder-leaved Buckthorn.
Plate 31. fig. 1. Goldthread. fig. 2. Black Chokecherry.
Plate 32. fig. 1. European Wood Strawberry. fig. 2. Bird Cherry.
Plate 33. fig. 1. Bicknell's Thorn. fig. 2. Sand Cherry.
Plate 34. fig. 1. Mountain Ash. fig. 2. Bristly Crowfoot.
Plate 35. fig. 1. Willow-leaved Meadow-sweet. fig. 2. Balsam Poplar.
Plate 36. fig. 1. Quaking Aspen. fig. 2. Sphagnum Moss.
Plate 37. fig. 1. Smoother Sweet Cicely. fig. 2. Lyall's Nettle.
Plate 38. fig. 1. White Elm. fig. 2. Downy Yellow Violet.

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