Thumbnail Index 1.gif - Achillea - Asclepias
erosa (91K) 720 x 624
Thumbnail Index 2.gif - Balsamorhiza - Frankenia
grandiflora (86K) 720 x 624
Thumbnail Index 3.gif - Frankenia palmeri
- Pedicularis densiflora (79K) 720 x 624
Thumbnail Index 4.gif - Petasites palmatus-
Trillium Root (83K) 720 x 624
Thumbnail Index 5.gif - Trillium ovatum
- Verbena bipinnatifida (34K) 720 x 312
These copyrighted pen and ink drawings by Mimi Kamp have been scanned
with UMAX-Pro and edited with PhotoShop.
The jpeg files are greyscale, sized for typical PC monitor viewing (480
pixels tall, 72 dpi).
The gif files are bitmapped, 200 dpi, and intended for higher resolution
desktop printing.
Achillea millefolium.gif Yarrow 63K
1431 x 1988
Achillea millefolium.jpg Yarrow 30K
346 x 480
Achlys triphylla.gif Vanilla Leaf 41K 1656 x 2263
Achlys triphylla.jpg Vanilla Leaf 25K 351 x 480
Actaea arguta.jpg Baneberry 48K 361 x 480
( Space Gerbils ate the gif)
Adiantum jordanii.gif California Maidenhair
25K 931 x 2075
Adiantum jordanii.jpg California Maidenhair
19K 215 x 480
Adiantum pedatum.gif Western Maidenhair
Fern 90K 1675 x 2220
Adiantum pedatum.jpg Western Maidenhair
Fern 44K 362 x 480
Anaphalis margaritacea.gif Pearly
Everlasting 39K 1279 x 1800
Anaphalis margaritacea.jpg Pearly
Everlasting 30K 341 x 480
Anemone patens.gif Pulsatilla 90K 1556
x 2319
Anemone patens.jpg Pulsatilla 30K 322 x
Anemopsis californica.gif Yerba Mansa 41K 1238
x 1711
Anemopsis californica.jpg Yerba Mansa 33K 347
x 480
Anemopsis rhizome and root.gif Yerba Mansa
77K 1446 x 1821
Anemopsis rhizome and root.jpg Yerba Mansa
41K 367 x 480
Aralia californica.gif California Spikenard
60K 1817 x 1841
Aralia californica.jpg California Spikenard
48K 474 x 480
Aralia racemosa root.gif American Spikenard
30K 1060 x 1117
Aralia racemosa root.jpg American Spikenard
44K 456 x 480
Arbutus menziesii.gif Madrone 62K 1653
x 1760
Arbutus menziesii.jpg Madrone 46K 449
x 480
Arctostaphylos pungens.gif Manzanita
48K 1538 x 1513
Arctostaphylos pungens.jpg Manzanita
43K 488 x 480
Argemone platyceras.gif Prickly Poppy
77K 1563 x 1919
Argemone platyceras.jpg Prickly Poppy
45K 391 x 480
Aristolochia californica.gif
California Snakeroot 50K 1275 x 1753
Aristolochia californica.jpg
California Snakeroot 41K 356 x 480
Arnica cordifolia.gif Heartleafed Arnica
68K 1631 x 2159
Arnica cordifolia.jpg Heartleafed Arnica
37K 364 x 480
Artemesia douglasiana.gif California
Mugwort 77K 1101 x 2175
Artemesia douglasiana.jpg California
Mugwort 32K 243 x 480
Asarum caudatum.gif Western Wild Ginger
79K 1680 x 1695
Asarum caudatum.jpg Western Wild Ginger
45K 476 x 480
Asclepias albicans.gif White Desert
Milkweed 50K 1202 x 2300
Asclepias albicans.jpg White Desert
Milkweed 21K 251 x 480
Asclepias erosa.gif Desert Milkweed 63K
1694 x 2019
Asclepias erosa.jpg Desert Milkweed 37K
403 x 480
Balsamorhiza root.gif Balsam Root 78K 838
x 2213
Balsamorhiza root.jpg Balsam Root 26K 182
x 480
Balsamorhiza sagittata.gif Balsam
Root 75K 1786 x 2006
Balsamorhiza sagittata.jpg Balsam
Root 46K 427 x 480
Caltha biflora.gif Two-flowered Marsh Marigold
27K 895 x 1560
Caltha biflora.jpg Two-flowered Marsh Marigold
22K 275 x 480
Ceanothus cuneatus.gif Buckbrush, Red
Root 44K 1156 x 2081
Ceanothus cuneatus.jpg Buckbrush, Red
Root 22K 267 x 480
Ceanothus velutinus.gif Snowbrush,
Red Root 80K 1600 x 1994
Ceanothus velutinus.jpg Snowbrush,
Red Root 47K 385 x 480
Chenopodium ambrosioides.gif American
Wormseed, Epazote 46K 1225 x 1613
Chenopodium ambrosioides.jpg American
Wormseed, Epazote 36K 365 x 480
Chlorogalum pomeridium.gif Amole Lily 50K
1346 x 1819
Chlorogalum pomeridium.jpg Amole Lily 34K
355 x 480
Chrysanthemum parthenium.gif
Feverfew 34K 881 x 1388
Chrysanthemum parthenium.jpg
Feverfew 36K 316 x 480
Cimicifuga elata.gif Western Black Cohosh
41K 985 x 1306
Cimicifuga elata.jpg Western Black Cohosh
48K 355 x 480
Coptis laciniata.gif Western Goldthread
54K 1575 x 2150
Coptis laciniata.jpg Western Goldthread
25K 352 x 480
Cornus canadensis.gif Bunchberry 55K
1431 x 1876
Cornus canadensis.jpg Bunchberry 33K
366 x 480
Crataegus.gif Hawthorns 70K 1695 x 1642
Crataegus.jpg Hawthorns 57K 495 x 480
Dicentra canadensis.gif Bleeding Heart
95K 1765 x 1980
Dicentra canadensis.jpg Bleeding Heart
62K 428 x 480
Ephedra viridis.gif Mormon Tea, Green
Ephedra 80K 1275 x 2300
Ephedra viridis.jpg Mormon Tea, Green
Ephedra 26K 266 x 480
Epipactis gigantea.gif Stream Orchid,
Helleborine 40K 1030 x 2800
Epipactis gigantea.jpg Stream Ordhid,
Helleborine 14K 177 x 480
Eremocarpus sagitterus.gif Turkey
Mullein 50K 969 x 1638
Eremocarpus sagitterus.jpg Turkey
Mullein 32K 284 x 480
Eriodictyon glutinosa.gif Sticky
Yerba Santa 52K 1237 x 1575
Eriodictyon glutinosa.jpg Sticky
Yerba Santa 41K 377 x 480
Eriogonum umbellata.gif Sulphur Flower,
Buckwheat Bush 35K 1103 x 1482
Eriogonum umbellata.jpg Sulphur Flower,
Buckwheat Bush 31K 357 x 480
Eschscholtzia californica.gif
California Poppy 111K 1700 x 2338
Eschscholtzia californica.jpg
California Poppy 41K 349 x 480
Frankenia grandiflora.gif Yerba
Reuma, Alkali Heath 54K 1388 x 1875
Frankenia grandiflora.jpg Yerba
Reuma, Alkali Heath 33K 355 x 480
Frankenia palmeri.gif Yerba Reuma, Palmer's
Alkali Heath 103K 1594 x 1941
Frankenia palmeri.jpg Yerba Reuma, Palmer's
Alkali Heath 49K 394 x 480
Garrya.gif Silk Tassel 33K 1400 x 989
Garrya.jpg Silk Tassel 50K 623 x 480
Gaultheria shallon.gif Salal 44K 1770
x 1732
Gaultheria shallon.jpg Salal 37K 491
x 480
Gnaphallium.gif Cudweed, Balsam Everlasting
60K 1209 x 1683
Gnaphallium.jpg Cudweed, Balsam Everlasting
40K 345 x 480
Helenium hoopesii.gif Yerba del Lobo,
Orange Sneezeweed 88K 1531 x 2313
Helenium hoopesii.jpg Yerba del Lobo,
Orange Sneezeweed 35K 318 x 480
Heuchera micrantha.gif American Alum
Root 25K 1000 x 2225
Heuchera micrantha.jpg American Alum
Root 13K 216 x 480
Ledum glandulosum.gif Western Labrador
Tea 28K 1031 x 1013
Ledum glandulosum.jpg Western Labrador
Tea 42K 489 x 480
Lepechinia calycina.gif Pitcher Sage
30K 1507 X 1405
Lepechinia calycina.jpg Pitcher Sage
33K 515 x 480
Linaria vulgaris.gif Toadflax, Butter
and Eggs 52K 1041 x 1716
Linaria vulgaris.jpg Toadflax, Butter
and Eggs 33K 291 x 480
Lomatium dissectum.gif Lomatium, Leptotaenia
25K 1139 x 1551
Lomatium dissectum.jpg Lomatium, Leptotaenia
19K 352 x 480
Lysichitum americanum.gif Western
Skunk Cabbage 34K 1755 x 1057
Lysichitum americanum.jpg Western
Skunk Cabbage 40K 640 x 385
Mahonia nervosa.gif Smooth Oregon Grape
56K 2294 x 1344
Mahonia nervosa.jpg Smooth Oregon Grape
42K 640 x 375
Marrubium.gif Horehound 121K 1954 x 2570
Marrubium.jpg Horehound 39K 365 x 480
Mentha arvensis.gif Poleo, Brook Mint
48K 1209 x 1701
Mentha arvensis.jpg Poleo, Brook Mint
37K 341 x 480
Mentha pulegium.gif European Pennyroyal
58K 1631 x 1994
Mentha pulegium.jpg European Pennyroyal
33K 393 x 480
Menyanthes trifolia.gif Buckbean 36K
1275 x 1760
Menyanthes trifolia.jpg Buckbean 30K
348 x 480
Myrica californica.gif California Bayberry
44K 1056 x 2250
Myrica californica.jpg California Bayberry
23K 225 x 480
Osmorhiza occidentalis.gif Sweet
Root 69K 1383 x 1820
Osmorhiza occidentalis.jpg Sweet
Root 47K 365 x 480
Osmorhiza occidentalis root.gif
Sweet Root 48K 1760 x 979
Osmorhiza occidentalis root.jpg
Sweet Root 44K 640 x 356
Pedicularis densiflora.gif Indian
Warrior 69K 1294 x 2269
Pedicularis densiflora.jpg Indian
Warrior 31K 274 x 480
Petasites palmatus.gif Western Coltsfoot
91K 1694 x 2338
Petasites palmatus.jpg Western Coltsfoot
39K 348 x 480
Polypodium glycyrriza.gif Licorice
Fern 78K 1663 x 2175
Polypodium glycyrriza.jpg Licorice
Fern 37K 367 x 480
Populus balsamifera.gif Balsam Poplar
113K 1769 x 2397
Populus balsamifera.jpg Balsam Poplar
44K 354 x 480
Rhus microphylla.gif Little-Leaved Sumach
28K 933 x 1537
Rhus microphylla.jpg Little-Leaved Sumach
24K 291 x 480
Romneya coulteri.gif Matilija Poppy 83K
1544 x 2269
Romneya coulteri.jpg Matilija Poppy 35K
327 x 480
Salvia apiana.gif White Sage 78K 1646 x
Salvia apiana.jpg White Sage 34K 329 x 480
Salvia greggii.gif Autumn Sage 35K 1071
x 1420
Salvia greggii.jpg Autumn Sage 30K 362
x 480
Salvia leucophylla.gif Purple Sage
33K 1069 x 1547
Salvia leucophylla.jpg Purple Sage
28K 332 x 480
Salvia mellifera.gif Black Sage 35K 1087
x 1695
Salvia mellifera.jpg Black Sage 27K 308
x 480
Salvia spathaceae.gif Hummingbird Sage
67K 1638 x 2380
Salvia spathaceae.jpg Hummingbird Sage
31K 330 x 480
Satureja douglasii.gif California Yerba
Buena 45K 1882 x 1672
Satureja douglasii.jpg California Yerba
Buena 41K 540 x 480
Scrophularia californica.gif
California Figwort 61K 1474 x 2110
Scrophularia californica.jpg
California Figwort 33K 335 x 480
Scutellaria californica.gif California
Skullcap 17K 624 x 1095
Scutellaria californica.jpg California
Skullcap 25K 274 x 480
Smilax californica.gif Western Sarsaparilla
47K 1717 x 2482
Smilax californica.jpg Western Sarsaparilla
26K 332 z 480
Solanum dulcamara.gif Bittersweet Nightshade
41K 1051 x 1687
Solanum dulcamara.jpg Bittersweet Nightshade
35K 299 x 480
Stachys albens.gif Woolly Hedge Nettle
61K 1588 x 2269
Stachys albens.jpg Woolly Hedge Nettle
29K 336 x 480
Stachys rigida.gif Western Hedge Nettle
42K 1181 x 1746
Stachys rigida.jpg Western Hedge Nettle
31K 325 x 480
Stellaria media.gif Common Chickweed 23K
722 x 1630
Stellaria media.jpg Common Chickweed 19K
213 x 480
Tanacetum.gif Common Tansy 47K 937 x 1650
Tanacetum.jpg Common Tansy 26K 273 x 480
Trillium ovatum root.gif Western Trillium 36K
1321 x 1616
Trillium ovatum root.jpg Western Trillium 24K
392 x 480
Trillium ovatum.gif Western Trillium 44K
1563 x 1906
Trillium ovatum.jpg Western Trillium 30K
394 x 480
Umbellularia californica.gif
California Bay, Oregon Myrtle 23K 1102 x 1200
Umbellularia californica.jpg
California Bay, Oregon Myrtle 39K 441 x 480
Vaccinium myrtillus.gif Whortleberry,
Sparse Blueberry 16K 803 x 929
Vaccinium myrtillus.jpg Whortleberry,
Sparse Blueberry 29K 415 x 480
Vaccinium ovatum.gif Western Huckleberry
54K 1656 x 1975
Vaccinium ovatum.jpg Western Huckleberry
36K 402 x 480
Vaccinium scoparium.gif Grouse Whortleberry
38K 1363 x 1919
Vaccinium scoparium.jpg Grouse Whortleberry
25K 341 x 480
Vancouveria hexandra.gif Inside-Out
Flower 35K 1431 x 2106
Vancouveria hexandra.jpg Inside-Out
Flower 22K 326 x 480
Verbascum.gif Common Mullein 68K 1364 x 1875
Verbascum.jpg Common Mullein 45K 349 x 480
Verbena bipinnatifida.gif Dakota
Vervain 44K 1117 x 1100
Verbena bipinnatifida.jpg Dakota
Vervain 48K 487 x 480
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