Lectures in Botanical Materia Medica
by Michael Moore

Recorded in the classroom and the field during the 2002 program

Complete and unedited

mp3 files

CD-ROM #1 - 680 MB - 74 sections, 40 hours
Abies - Avena
CD-ROM #2 - 665 MB - 98 sections, 38 hours
Baccharis - Duboisia
CD-ROM #3 - 635 MB - 120 sections, 35 hours
Echinacea - Lythrum
CD-ROM #4 - 560 MB - 139 sections, 30 hours
Mahonia - Vitis

Flippant, erudite, prone to wandering up verbal alleyways, sometimes folksy, sometimes over-intellectual, sometimes vulgar, sometimes painstakingly precise...how is one supposed to explain oneself anyway? These lectures run variously from 1 minute to 110 minutes, and were recorded during last years classes, complete with wind, dropped bottles, unseen jpeg and video presentations, coughs and wheezes. As I have had requests for years from former students to make some form of the current classes available, Judy Knoebel was kind enough to record the 2002 program and organize the sound files by plants. As I am noted as being a Materia Medica junkie and the subjects are shorter and pre-organized, as it were (unlike organ-system, constitution and therapeutic lectures), I decided to make them available to the general public.

The complete list of sound files is available here

For a better idea, I have uploaded three shorter files as samples.

Amorpha canescens-field.mp3 - 1.5M, 5.5 minutes
Chelone.mp3 - 3M, 10.6 minutes
Polymnia.mp3 - 3.8M, 13.6 minutes

The four CD-ROM set is available (PC-Mac hybrid) for $100, Postpaid ($110 postpaid outside the USA).

Make checks payable to:

Southwest School of Botanical Medicine
PO Box 4565
Bisbee, Arizona, 85603

Any further inquiries about the set can be made to hrbmoore@mindspring.com

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