- Useful Wild Plants Of The United States And Canada by
Charles Francis Saunders (1920)
- Illustrated By Photographs, And By Numerous Line Drawings
by Lucy Hamilton Aring
- Although little known these days, Saunders (1859-1941) cast
a large shadow in the first several decades of the 20th Century,
writing many widely read books on western wildflowers, the Anasazi,
edible plants, and the Indian, Spanish and Anglo folklore and
culture of California, the Sierras and the Southwest. He was
also a major and influential contributer to Sunset Magazine in
its salad years. Although couched in a genteel "Revisionist
Manifest Destiny" tone with echoes of "White-Man's
Burden", his folksy non-threatening style helped humanize
the dimished remnants of the First Americans to the growing middle
class of white Americans, and were firmly founded in a voracious
curiosity about the usability of fast-vanishing traditions. Without
using the ersatz Injun fables of E.T. Seton or the austere fake-machismo
of Zane Grey, Saunders introduced much of the American public
of his era to a person-sized understanding of the remnant "Old
- This is a 273-page book and, in response to a few complaints
about the size of several of my Acrobat files elsewhere, I am
offering it up in subject slices, adding them as I go. A good
book, filled with personal observations. Several of my books
have been lumped into the limbo of "Popular Ethnobotany",
and this is a similar type of work, much of it written from first-hand
experience. Some form of this book has been reprinted and is
currently available...I haven't seen it so I don't know if it's
the same book (check Amazon.com)...I just know this original
edition from 1920.
- Wild Plants With Edible
Tubers, Bulbs Or Roots (T.O.C., Intro, Chapters 1 and
2) Acrobat File (.pdf), 45 pages, 16 illustrations, 448K
- Wild Seeds of Food
Value (Chapter 3) Acrobat File (.pdf), 27 pages, 7 illustrations,
- The Acorn and Some
Other Wild Nuts (Chapter 4) Acrobat File (.pdf), 18 pages,
3 illustrations, 376K
- Little Regarded Wild
Fruits and Berries (Chapter 5) Acrobat File (.pdf), 35
pages, 14 illustrations, 820K
- Wild Plants with Edible
Stems and Leaves (Chapter 6) Acrobat File (.pdf), 28
pages, 17 illustrations, 540K
- Beverage Plants
(Chapter 7) Acrobat File (.pdf), 27 pages, 8 illustrations, 488K
- Vegetable Substitutes
for Soap (Chapter 8) Acrobat File (.pdf), 18 pages, 7
illustrations, 368K
- Some Medicinal Wildings
(Chapter 9) Acrobat File (.pdf), 27 pages, 11 illustrations,
- Miscellaneous Uses
of Wild Plants (Chapter 10) Acrobat File (.pdf), 29 pages,
9 illustrations, 800K
- Certain Poisonous
Plants (Chapter 11) Acrobat File (.pdf), 22 pages, 9
illustrations, 532K
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