This is a collection of B/W engravings, pen and ink drawings
and illustrations from a variety of sources. Some of these are
rather large images (to preserve clarity) and may be hard to
view on your browser except by scrolling feverishly. Using a
helper application or saving the image for external viewing may
be easier on the eyes. File sizes are given by pixels (?x?) and
kilobytes (?K)
THUMBNAILS of all illustrations
Index #1.html - Abies - Carthamus
Index #2.html - Cassia - Convolvulus
scammonia (116K)
Index #3.html - Copaiba - Hyocyamus
niger (116K)
Index #4.html - Ipomea jalapa
- Rhamnus purshiana #2 (96K)
Index #5.html - Rhamnus purshiana
- Zingiber (92K)
Drug plant engravings from "Materia Medica and Pharmacognosy"
by David Culbreth, M.D. (1927) and Kings American Dispensatory
(1898), with a few other odd sources
Abies excelsa.gif - Norway Pine
or Spruce Fir...the source of Burgundy Pitch (760x1086) (53K)
Acacia arabica.gif- Acacia:
a source of Gum Arabic (801x1349) (68K)
Acacia catechu.gif- Catechu
Acacia (977x1349) (80K)
Acacia senegal.gif- Acacia:
another source of Gum Arabic (919x1102) (50K)
- Aconitum fischeri #1.gif
- Flowering plant 67K (997 x 1661)
- Aconitum fischeri #2.gif
- Tubers 53K (865 x 1797)
- Aconitum #3.gif - Aconitum
napellus, flower and leaves 79K (1200 x 1809)
- Acorus calamus.gif- Sweet Flag or
Calamus (742x1080) (50K)
Acorus calamus #2.gif - Plant
89K (1144x1321)
- Adiantum comparisons.gif
- A. capillus-veneris and A. pedatum 42K (1264
x 895)
- Aletris.gif - Leaves and rhizome
51K (1109 x 1837)
- Aloes.gif- Aloe perryi and Aloe vera,
sources of Aloe Powder (1285x931) (40K)
Anamirta cocculus.gif- India berry,
Fish Berry-source of picrotoxin (966x1441) (80K)
Anemone nemorosa.gif - whole
plant 46K(1006 x 2599)
- Anemone patens.gif - Aerial
part in seed 54K (1120 x 2426)
- Angelica archangelica.gif- Angelica
(783x723) (30K)
Apocynum androsaemifolium.gif
- Plant and parts 57K (1177 x 1809)
- Apocynum cannabinum.gif-
Canadian Hemp (629x1221) (45K)
Apocynum cannabinum-2.gif
- Plant and parts 60K(1101 x 1813)
- Aristolochia serpentaria.gif
- Whole plant 32K (847 x 1195)
- Arnica montana.gif- Arnica,
Leopards-bane (709x922) (50K)
Astragalus gummifer.gif-
Tragacanth (825x1261) (58K)
Atropa belladonna-2.gif
- Branch and root 66K (1267 x 1384)
- Baptisia tinctoria.gif
- Flowering branch 35K(1000 x 1807)
- Bidens pilosa.gif -Flowering
tops 35K (745 x 1285)
- Caffea arabica.gif- Coffee (1318x1180)
Cannabis-2.gif - Plant 42K (811
x 1420)
- Capsella bursa-pastoris.gif
- Detail of plant 60K (1441 x 1753)
- Capsicum frutescens.gif-
Capsicum (742x769) (38K)
Carthamus.gif - Flowering plant 27K
(807 x 1031)
- Cassia angustifolia.gif-
Senna, Tinnevelly (1111x1422) (80K)
Cassia fistula.gif- Purging
Cassia (845x1225) (73K)
Cassia senna.gif- Senna, Alexandrian
(953x1349) (75K)
Castanea dentata.gif - Flowering
branch, seeds 78K (1048 x 1072)
- Caulophyllum.gif - Whole plant
60K (1369 x 1873)
- Ceanothus americanus.gif
- Flowering branch 61K (1072 x 1360)
- Cephaelis ipecacuanha.gif- Ipecac
(993x1221) (60K)
Cetraria islandica.gif- Iceland Moss
(739x745) (35K)
Cetraria islandica #2.gif
- Lichen frond 45K (811 x 958)
- Chamaelirium luteum.gif
-"False" Unicorn Root 36K (727 x 1321)
- Chelidonium majus.gif
- Flowering top 43K (838 x 1039)
- Chelone glabra.gif - Flowering
top 31K (709 x 1297)
- Chimaphila umbellata.gif- Pipsissewa
(811x988) (25K)
Chimaphila umbellata #2.gif
- Flowering plant 27K (712 x 1303)
- Chionanthus virginica.gif
- Flowering branch 40K (1006 x 982)
- Chondrus crispus.gif-
Irish Moss (976x1152) (80K)
Cichorium intybus.gif- Chicory (915x655)
Cichorium intybus #2.gif
- Plant detail 56K (1213 x 1204)
- Cimicifuga racemosa.gif- Black
Cohosh (849x1541) (58K)
Cimicifuga racemosa #2.gif
- Plant detail 79K (1208 x 1737)
- Cinchona succirubra.gif- Peruvian
or Quinine Bark (937x1461) (73K)
Cinnamomum camphora.gif-
Camphor Tree-the primary source for Natural Camphor (856x1114)(53K)
Citrullus colocynthis.gif- Colocynth,
Bitter Apple (1237x1525) (88K)
Claviceps purpurea.gif- Ergot, Rye
Smut (373x1497) (30K)
Clematis virginiana.gif
- Vine detail 40K (757 x 1277)
- Cola_nitida.gif- Cola (Kola)
Nut (1129x1417) (90K)
Colchicum autumnale.gif- Colchicum,
Meadow Saffron (553x997) (33K)
Commiphora myrrha.gif - Branch
detail 30K (724 x 1270)
- Conium maculatum.gif- Poison Hemlock
(892x988) (53K)
Conium maculatum #2.gif -
Plant detail 38K (892 x 1018)
- Convallaria majalis.gif- Lily-of-the-Valley
(562x937) (23K)
Convolvulus scammonia.gif-
Scammony (1198x1054) (72K)
Copaiba langsdorfii.gif- Copaiba-the
source of Gum Copaiba (988x1285) (78K)
Coptis trifolia.gif - Plant
detail 35K (1117 x 773)
- Curcuma longa.gif- Turmeric (846x1134)
Digitalis purpurea.gif- Foxglove
(457x741) (28K)
Dioscorea villosa roots.gif
- 54K (904 x 1324)
- Dryopteris filix-mas.gif - Aspidium,
Male Fern (457x838) (30K)
Dryopteris filix-mas #2.gif
- Fern detail 57K (891 x 1112)
- Dryopteris marginalis.jpg
- Fern bundle photograph 54K (437 x 583)
- Ecballium elaterium.gif-
Squirting Cucumber (617x857) (35K)
Elettaria cardamomum.gif- Cardamom
(672x955) (63K)
Epigaea repens.gif - Flowering
branch 38K (628 x 1036)
- Equisetum arvense.gif
- Plant details 53K (1207 x 1324)
- Erechtites hieracifolia.gif
- Flowering plant 54K (763 x 1195)
- Erythroxylon coca.gif- Coca
(691x1030) (30K)
Eupatorium perfoliatum.gif-
Boneset (1156x850) (43K)
Euphorbia pilulifera.gif
- Flowering plant 20K (583 x 1303)
- Ferula foetida.gif- Asafoetida
(811x1525) (50K)
Ferula foetida-2.gif - Plant
64K (1189 x 1509)
- Ferula galbaniflua.gif-
Galbanum (1005x1457) (83K)
Fraxinus ornus.gif- Manna Ash
(1193x1321) (93K)
Fucus vesiculosus.gif- Bladderwrack (564x1373)
Garcinia hanburyi.gif- Gamboge (841x1168)
Gaultheria procumbens.gif-
Wintergreen (892x910) (33K)
Gelsemium sempervirens.gif- Gelsemium,
Yellow Jasmine (1234x1183)(85K)
Gigartina mamillosa- Another Irish
Moss (628x1201) (43K)
Glycyrriza glabra.gif- Spanish
Licorice (841x1198) (55K)
Gossypium herbaceum.gif
- Flowering branch 55K (1152 x 1422)
- Guaiacum sanctum.gif-
Guaiacum, Lignum Vitae (838x1162) (50K)
Guaiacum sanctum-2.gif -
Flowering branch 42K (1112 x 1206)
- Hagenia abyssinica.gif- Kuosso,
Brayera (820x1159) (63K)
Hamamelis virginiana.gif- Witch Hazel
(676x934) (55K)
Humulus lupulus.gif- Hops (1006x1174)
Hyocyamus niger.gif- Henbane
(1053x875) (58K)
Ipomea (Exogonium) jalapa.gif-
Jalap Root (1081x1417) (78K)
Jateorhiza palmata.gif- Calumba
(1159x931) (78K)
Liquidambar orientalis.gif- Oriental
Storax Tree (955x779) (53K)
Lobelia inflata.gif- Lobelia
(673x1293) (45K)
Lycopodium clavatum.gif- Lycopodium,
Club Moss (735x1127) (33K)
Marrubium vulgare.gif- Horehound
and adulterant (743x923) (40K)
Matricaria chamomilla.gif
- Plant details 37K (901 x 1372)
- Myristica fragrans.gif- Nutmeg
and Mace (1289x1099) (68K)
Nicotiana tabacum.gif- Tobacco
(490x943) (20K)
Ourouparia gambir.gif- Gambir,
Pale Catechu (850x1147) (55K)
Panax quinquefolium.gif-
American Ginseng (745x1241) (43K)
Papaver somniferum.gif- Opium Poppy
(585x989) (33K)
Paullinia cupana.gif- Guarana Bean
(667x803) (45K)
Physostigma venenosum.gif- Calabar
(Ordeal) Bean (832x1231) (58K)
Picrasma excelsa.gif - Flowering
branch 63K (1136 x 1449)
- Piper cubeba.gif- Cubeb Berries
(941x1237) (43K)
Podophyllum peltatum.gif- American
Mandrake (799x1621) (48K)
Polygala senega.gif- Senega
Snake Root (1153x1341) (55K)
Prunus laurocereus.gif-
Cherry Laurel (511x877) (28K)
Punica granatum.gif- Pomegranate (1021x982)
Quercus alba.gif- White Oak (991x928)
Quillaja saponaria.gif- Soap Tree
(712x952) (48K)
Rhamnus frangula.gif - Branch
detail 48K (1040 x 1341)
- Rhamnus purshiana.gif-
Cascara Sagrada (1006x991) (48K)
Rheum officinale.gif- Turkey or Chinese
Rhubarb (482x569) (30K)
Sanguinaria canadensis.gif- Blood
Root (1021x1525) (50K)
Santalum album.gif- Sandalwood (565x538)
Sassafras albidum.gif- Sassafras
(673x749) (35K)
Scopola carniolica.gif- Scopola (1191x1045)
Selenicereus grandiflorus.gif-
Cactus Grandiflorus, Night-Blooming Cereus (922x949) (48K)
Smilax.gif- Sarsaparilla (505x659) (25K)
Spigelia marylandica.gif- Pinkroot
(553x1474) (33K)
Strychnos nux-vomica.gif- Nux Vomica
(1159x910) (58K)
Thymus vulgaris.gif- Mother
of Thyme (1018x934) (68K)
Toluifera balsamum.gif-
Balsam of Tolu Tree (1066x1246) (80K)
Toluifera pereirae.gif-
Balsam of Peru Tree (1105x1277) (83K)
Urginea maritima.gif- Squill, Sea Onion
(985x688) (53K)
Valeriana officinalis.gif-
Valerian (736x1108) (38K)
Valeriana officinalis-2.gif
- Plant detail 51K (1104 x 1575)
- Veratrum viride.gif- Green Hellebore
(539x911) (25K)
Viburnum opulus.gif- Cramp
Bark (631x727) (35K)
Zingiber officinale.gif- Ginger (934x1036)
Thomsonian plant woodcuts from "A GUIDE TO HEALTH (1848)"
by Benjamin Colby.
Bayberry.gif- Myrica cerifera
(1159x1670) (63K)
BitterRoot.gif- Apocynum androsaemifolium
(1199x1454) (55K)
Bloodroot.gif- Sanguinaria (1145x1733)
Blue Flag.gif- Iris versicolor (1165x1279)
Ladies' Slipper.gif- Cypripedium
(1183x1710) (58K)
Lobelia.gif- Lobelia inflata (1183x1654)
Pleurisy Root.gif- Asclepias tuberosa
(1183x1454) (58K)
Snakehead.gif- Chelone, Balmony (1239x1814)
Thoroughwort.gif- Boneset, Eupatorium
perfoliatum (1183x1422) (68K)
Winter Green.gif- Gaultheria procumbens
(1183x1319) (40K)
Illustrations of medicinal trees, taken from "FOREST
TREES OF THE PACIFIC SLOPE" by George Sudworth (1908), originally
published by the Forest Service Department
Aesculus californica.gif-
California Buckeye (691x979) (53K)
Arbutus menziesii.gif- Madrone
(707x951) (38K)
Ceanothus spinosus.gif-
Green Buckbrush, California Red Root (707x955) (48K)
Cephalanthus occidentalis.gif-
Button Bush (691x947) (40K)
Chilopsis linearis.gif-
Desert Willow (691x999) (33K)
Crataegus douglasii.gif-
Western Hawthorn (711x943) (28K)
Cupressus macrocarpa.gif-
Monterey Cypress (711x959) (52K)
Fremontia californica.gif-
California Slippery Elm (679x899) (31K)
Garrya elliptica.gif- Silktassel
Tree(707x987) (44K)
Juniperus communis.gif-
Common Juniper (711x867) (31K)
Myrica californica.gif-
California Bayberry (711x947) (22K)
Prosopis julifera.gif- Mesquite
(711x983) (36K)
Rhamnus purshiana.gif- Cascara
Sagrada (691x979) (28K)
Sambucus mexicana.gif- Blue
Elderberry (691x815) (31K)
Taxus brevifolia.gif- Western
Yew (711x959) (37K)
Thuja plicata.gif- Red Cedar,
Western Thuja (508x963) (29K)
Umbellularia californica.gif-
California (Oregon) Bay (711x991) (33K)
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