If you are not familiar with the concept of an abstract, it is a brief synopsis
of a technical article, and forms the backbone of research. Chemical
Abstracts, Biological
Abstracts, Medline
(free site), Paperchase, etc.,
offer the researcher abstracts, and will generally supply a photocopy of
the complete article drawn from the publishing journal for
a fee. Most of these are taken from either Paperchase or Medline abstract
services. Paperchase can supply
the complete monograph for between $12 and $14 US...there may be others...I
just know (and like) the Paperchase folks.
You will notice the listing for each abstract: "ISSN"...this is
a designation given to all registered periodicals throughout the world.
You can find out more about this at the International
ISSN Website, and the U.S.
Library of Congress ISSN Website
The "Registry Numbers" at the end of some abstracts refer to the
universal chemical nomenclature maintained by the Chemical
Abstracts Service
Abstracts give one a place to start, a general idea of what topics and results
are being pursued in current reasearch...they offer a detailed weathervane
for the scientific climate. These are generally abstracts from the last
10 years, and, as always, are predominantly of European and Asian plant
research, usually on European and Asian plants. Most of these abstract files
are by genus, and reflect my personal interests. Some of these plants had
seminal research done 15 or 20 years ago, and current monographs "mop
up", as it were. This is true of Harpagophytum, Aristolochia, Crataegus,
Echinacea and others...sometimes you hear the echoes of things before. As
usual, many of the best herbal medicines are very poorly researched, at
least by my standards. Support Your Local Researcher! (especially in North
By genus:
Acacia 10 k
Achillea 16 k
Acorus 19 k
Agave 16 k
Agrimonia 21 k
Ailanthus 12 k
Alisma 9 k
Ambrosia 12 k
Anemone-Pulsatilla 13 k
Apium 12 k
Aralia 37 k
Arctium 30 k
Arctostaphylos 10 k
Aristolochia 39K
Arnica 11 k
Artemisia 43 k
Asclepias 11 k
Asparagus 17 k
Baccharis 17 k
Baptisia 6 k
Berberis 13 k
Bidens 15 k
Bursera 9 k
Caesalpinia 15 k
Capsella 6 k
Centaurea 17 k
Chelidonium 52 k
Cimicifuga 14 k
Clematis 16 k
Commiphora 13 k
Conyza 4 k
Coptis 41 k
Corydalis 14 k
Crataegus 35 k
Cucurbita 9 k
Cucurbita Seed 13 k
Cupressus 6 k
Datisca 5 k
Daucus 10 k
Desmodium 17 k
Dipsacus 8 k
Echinacea 42 k
Ephedra 49 k
Epilobium 5 k
Epipactis 7 k
Equisetum 6 k
Erodium 5 k
Erysimum 7 k
Eschscholtzia 18 k
Euonymus 17 k
Eupatorium 21 k
Fragaria 4 k
Gelsemium 6 k
Geum 10 k
Ginkgo 201 k
Glycyrrhiza 76 k
Gnaphallium 8 k
Harpagophytum 12 k
Helenium 19 k
Heracleum 14 k
Heterotheca 2 k
Humulus 8 k
Hydrangea 13 k
Hypericum 77 k
Hyptis 11 k
Hyssopus 7 k
Inula 13 k
Jatropha 17 k
Juglans 6 k
Juniperus 11 k
Justicia 8 k
Larrea 17 k
Ledum 7 k
Leonurus 7 k
Lepidium 11 k
Lespedeza 4 k
Liatris 5 k
Ligusticum 42 k
Lippia 13 k
Lithospermum 27 k
Lobelia 8 k
Lomatium 4 k
Lonicera 19 k
Lycium 12 k
Lycopus 12 k
Mahonia 11 k
Malva 10 k
Melilotus 6 k
Monarda 5 k
Myrica 17 k
Nepeta 14 k
Oplopanax 4 k
Opuntia 19 k
Orobanche-Conopholis 6 k
Orthosiphon 7 k
Passiflora 10 k
Pedicularis 11 k
Peganum 8 k
Phoradendron 4 k
Physalis 19 k
Piper methysticum 29 k
Pluchea 8 k
Polygala 23 k
Potentilla 10 k
Prosopis 8 k
Prunella 16 k
Prunus 24 k
Pygeum 13 k
Rhus 9 k
Rubia 26 k
Rudbeckia 4 k
Rumex 9 k
Ruscus 16 k
Sambucus 11 k
Sanicula 3 k
Santalum 8 k
Sapindus 9 k
Scrophularia 13 k
Scutellaria 94 k
Sedum-Rhodiola 18 k
Serenoa 32 k
Silene 11 k
Silybum 24 k
Simmondsia 11 k
Smilax 20 k
Solidago 22 k
Stachys 12 k
Stellaria 7 k
Swertia 27 k
Tanacetum parthenium 19 k
Taraxacum 11 k
Tecoma stans 8 k
Thuja 11 k
Tribulus 10 k
Tripterygium 70 k
Uncaria 27 k
Urtica 47 k
Vaccinium 23 k
Valeriana 34 k
Veratrum 38 k
Verbascum 9 k
Verbena 6 k
Verbesina 7 k
Viscum 137 k
Withania-Ashwaganda 12 k
Xanthium 7 k
Yucca 18 k
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